Very interesting!
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
More Elaborate Celebrations International Conv. Atlanta
by NoMoreHustle infound this video of the entertainment preperation for the delegates in atlanta, u.s. this seems to be professionally done maybe outside sources or probably done by "professional" jw's.
this is just like christendom or all the other religious organizations that they deem to be from the devil.
the people seem to be very sincere in there efforts & is much appreciated,.
Awake! and public Watchtower almost identical for appearance and content
by yadda yadda 2 ini was in a chinese take-out the other day and saw a couple of very recent awake and watchtower magazines on the counter, amongst other magazines.. i had a good flick through both of them and noticed how very similar both magazines now appear in terms of appearance and content.
i was left with the distinct impression that the public edition watchtower is now basically indiscernable from the awake!
regarding content.
breakfast of champions
Doesn't it?
It has an it's-the-21st-century/centennial-anniversary-of-god's-kingdom-and-nothing-has-happened kind of ring to it.
Awake! and public Watchtower almost identical for appearance and content
by yadda yadda 2 ini was in a chinese take-out the other day and saw a couple of very recent awake and watchtower magazines on the counter, amongst other magazines.. i had a good flick through both of them and noticed how very similar both magazines now appear in terms of appearance and content.
i was left with the distinct impression that the public edition watchtower is now basically indiscernable from the awake!
regarding content.
breakfast of champions
My prediction: Both public WT and Awake will be combined into one magazine called "" The WT study edition will remain.
"The Ark Before Noah"
by Doug Mason inas well as providing new archaeological information, the book "the ark before noah: decoding the story of the flood" by irving finkel (published 2014) provides material for those of us who are interested in the neo-babylonian period.
for example, one subheading is: "why were the judeans in babylon?
" (page 226).. dr irving finkel is assistant keeper of ancient mesopotamian script, languages, and cultures at the british museum.
breakfast of champions
Interesting. Thanks!
breakfast of champions
Love it!!!
w14 12/15-E Study Edition
by wifibandit inclick "premium download".
breakfast of champions
"Facing the End of This Old World Together"
Isn't this the most fear-mongering title since "Is it Later thank You Think?"?
Woman 82, beheaded in her London garden.
by quellycatface inwords cannot describe my anger and sorrow.. the perpetrator was a 25 yr old nigerian muslim convert.
he also decapitated a cat, why?????.
there are times when i wish there was such thing as armageddon, to rid the world of such evil.. feeling very worried and sad..
breakfast of champions
Disgusting, horrific.
What the hell century do we live in?
What? How did 25 years go by so fast ...
by Simon ini'm sitting here listening to google music (which is great btw) and decided to put one of bob dylans newer albums on.. oh mercy.
it's a great album.
i remember it coming out.
breakfast of champions
That is an awesome album. Remember when it came out myself.
Everything is broken. . . . .
by Sparks inwhile you are sitting there reading this, there are literally hundreds of thousands of young males and females all over the world [ mostly in america / canada and england] sitting in their grotty little smelly bedrooms or flats, designing computer viruses that they will up-load onto web-sites to cause anonymous innocent peoples computers to malfunction.
these creeps spend literally weeks,months or even years hoping to make a computer viruses that will get into peoples computer bios to completely destroy their computers.
they never see the peoples anger, frustration and distress.... the damage can cost each person about 1,000 [ $1,660.74 ] or more to replace a basic new laptop or tower.
Anyone else notice the new Terms of Use on
by leaving_quietly ini first noticed it today... slides up at the bottom.
i wonder why they felt the need to do this?
this is just silly for a religious website..
breakfast of champions
Ok. . . . so enforcing legal minutiae regarding downloading "intellectual property" is more important than spreading the message of gods kingdom earth wide?
Funny this should appear right after the "big campaign" ends.
Hmmmm. . . looking of the lds website and Vatican website, I don't see any such disclaimer. . .
. . . . it must be a sign the witnesses have the Truth!